E-Book: Banken Lexikon | eBooks


It's your money, not the bank's

The banking lexicon sheds light on the complex subject of money and finance. It breaks with old beliefs and you learn why your money in the bank does not belong to you, but to the bank.

It is very important to understand the relationships within our monetary system and to know where your money is safe. The lexicon breaks down the complex information in an understandable way and gives you a comprehensive overview of your options.

It shows you opportunities, investment options and risks. We not only go where we are treated well, we also protect our assets effectively.

The banking lexicon is more valuable than ever, especially now in times of high inflation and predictions of possible expropriations through burden sharing. The lexicon is your personal safety net, your safe and your advantage over the lazy masses who only look up when it is too late. Don't let it get that far and find out everything about your financial options today.

Even your banker hasn’t heard of it

Your position is fundamentally bad if you don't understand what it's all about or how the processes work. In the world of banks and bankers, there is a tough fight for customers with bad products. If you rely on your banker, you are literally abandoned. 

How do you want to distinguish a good offer from a bad one? This requires a solid basic understanding and that is exactly what the banking dictionary gives you. But that's not all, Staatenlos always thinks much bigger than the average and constantly thinks outside the box. That's why in the dictionary we also look at global alternatives and options that your banker probably doesn't even know about. How could he, after all, he has to sell his bank's products.

The banking lexicon is your asset protection and not knowing its contents is more negligent today than ever before.You have the choice. Always. Your money belongs to you, just like your life and your freedom. What you do with your money and who you entrust it to must be your personal decision. The decision must be fact-based and smart so that you do not become a victim of your banker who is using you to make his next commission.

In the banking lexicon you will learn why choosing your bank is just one building block in the big picture. You will understand how the mechanisms of banking work and how the exchange of information works. Get to know the current players and understand the different regulations and interest rates.

Your financial education is no less important to us than your freedom. Consider this financial education and the knowledge you have acquired about the financial system as another fundamental building block for your freedom.👉BUYNOW


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